Last Updated on 11/17/2021 by Veronica Jones
Yogurt is one of the healthiest and yummiest treats out there made for babies. This baby food is a good source of active probiotics or good bacteria. But can dogs eat yogurt melts, too? Is it safe for them? What other benefits can dogs take from yogurt melts? Let’s find out.
Can Dogs Eat Yogurt Melts?

Yes, dogs can eat yogurt melts that have no artificial flavors or artificial sweeteners. Plain, non-fat yogurt melts in small amounts are good for your dogs. Before introducing this new food and giving any amount to your dog, you should know if your pet has any allergies to the ingredients.
Dogs can eat frozen treats like yogurt melts. Because of its probiotic benefits, it can help in your dog’s digestion. However, lactose intolerant dogs will have problems digesting yogurt and may experience bloating, vomiting, and diarrhea. Too much fat content can also cause heart problems and diabetes.
How Many Yogurt Melts Can Dogs Eat?
A spoonful, or 2 to 3 pieces, of plain, frozen yogurt melt once in a while should be fine. If it is your dog’s first time eating yogurt melts, you can give a teaspoon or 1 to 2 pieces only. If you are not sure if your dogs might react negatively to yogurt melts, just give them small amounts at first.
Observe their digestion and any skin reaction for a week or two. If they didn’t show any allergic reactions and they love yogurt melts, you can give these treats occasionally. The amount of yogurt melts that you can give your dog may also depend on their size.

Can Yogurt Melts Kill Dogs?
Yes, they can kill dogs if they contain xylitol, an artificial sweetener that is poisonous to dogs even a small amount. Xylitol can lead to liver failure and may affect the whole system of your pet. If your dog has eaten this kind of yogurt melt, take them to the veterinarian immediately.
Yogurt melts can also cause digestive system issues. Here are some of the symptoms that you should look out for to know if your dog is experiencing gastrointestinal distress:
- Loss of appetite
- Refusing to eat and drink at all
- Diarrhea
- Vomiting
- Constipation
- Bloating
If these symptoms are persistent, you need to take your dog to your trusted veterinarian as soon as possible. Better yet, before even starting any new diet or dog treats, consult with them to avoid any untoward incidents.
Are Yogurt Melts Bad for Dogs?
Yogurt melts are generally good for dogs because of their live culture content. However, they can be bad for your dog if he is allergic to any of their ingredients, he is lactose intolerant, or if the yogurt melts contain artificial components that can be harmful to your dog.
Fat-based yogurt melts can cause weight gain, obesity, pancreatitis, and upset stomach. After their puppy stage, dogs usually become intolerant when it comes to milk and dairy products. This means that you should be more careful when giving yogurt melts to your adult dog.

How Do I Prepare Yogurt Melts for My Dog?
There are yogurt melts that are ready to eat or to feed your dog. All you have to do is to warm it up in the oven or freeze it in the fridge, whichever your dog prefers. If the yogurt’s concentration is too thick or creamy, you can add a little bit of water in it.
Another way to introduce these dog treats is to top it on your dog’s regular meal. As a general rule of thumb, yogurt melts should make up no more than 10% of your dog’s diet. You can mix it with their food once a week or every two weeks. It should not be a substitute for your dog’s main meal.
This treat is also good for recovering or sick dogs that need energy. Just make sure to ask your vet’s advice before giving any. During summer or hot weather, you can make frozen yogurts in ice cube trays to serve as their cold treat.
Will Yogurt Melts Make My Dog Sick?
Yes, yogurt melts can make your pet sick if given in the wrong amount, if given too often, and if there are ingredients that may cause discomfort to your dog. Yogurt melts can be a good source of good bacteria. However, it can also cause digestive problems, especially to adult dogs.
Yogurt melt can trigger allergies and some other issues in your dog’s digestive system immediately. If this happens, do not give any amount of yogurt melts to your dog and take him to the veterinarian as necessary.
Can Puppies Eat Yogurt Melts?
Puppies can eat yogurt melts. Compared to adult dogs, they have more tolerance when it comes to milk since they just finished the weaning stage. However, you should only give them less than a teaspoon as an occasional treat. Do not give it every week or they might experience bloating and other GI problems.
It is also important for puppies to have some exercises regularly to avoid gaining too much weight. If your puppies are showing signs of indigestion and lack of appetite, stop giving him yogurt melts as dog treats.
What Can I Feed My Dog Instead of Yogurt Melts?
Yogurt melts may be healthy but not as healthy as some other treats. So, aside from yogurt melts, here are some alternative treats that your dog will equally love. Remember to give them just the right amount.
- Raw, or roasted peanuts without salt
- Plain Greek yogurt
- Plain pretzels
- Wheat-free pancakes
- Oatmeal cookie bites
- Plain, cooked beef, fish, or chicken
- Peanut butter without xylitol
- Regular cheese
- White rice
- Plain bread
- Fresh fruits and vegetables