Last Updated on 11/17/2021 by Veronica Jones
A freshly baked sugar cookie is not only irresistible to humans. Dogs are also big fans of freshly baked cookies and you may catch your pup drooling by the counter, ready to snatch one when your back is turned.
But can dogs eat sugar cookies? Are they safe for curious dogs?
Before baking your next batch of homemade cookies, read this complete guide on dogs and cookies first. Find out which ones are safe and which ones could cause your pup harm.
Can dogs eat sugar cookies?
Yes, dogs can safely eat sugar cookies as long as they don’t contain any ingredients that could be toxic. However, that doesn’t mean that your pet should eat them. Cookies contain unhealthy foods such as butter and sugar that could cause your pup long-term health issues if eaten regularly.

What kind of cookies can dogs eat? Can canines eat chocolate chip cookies or peanut butter cookies?
Can my dog eat cookies? All types of cookies are unhealthy for dogs. If you really want to feed your pup cookies, choose ones that don’t contain harmful ingredients such as oatmeal cookies or wheat flour. Be mindful of the high sugar content before feeding your pet too many.
Toxic cookie ingredients to avoid:
Raisins – Raisins are dried grapes and are so poisonous to canines that even if your dog ate one raisin it could be fatal. The consumption of raisins can also lead to acute kidney failure.
Chocolate – the theobromine content in chocolate makes it poisonous to dogs. Canines can’t process the theobromine or caffeine found in chocolate quickly, which means that toxic compounds are released and can build up inside a dog’s body. Dark chocolate contains the highest levels of theobromine, making it the most dangerous to canines. Chocolate chips are the most common ingredient found in cookies and should be kept away from your pup.
Macadamia nuts – nuts are a common ingredient in cookies. Some nuts, including macadamia nuts, are highly toxic to dogs and are also a choking risk. Studies have proven that even small quantities can have serious consequences for your canine friend.
Nutmeg – this popular spice contains a compound called Myristicin which is toxic to pets. Nutmeg is often found in cookies, particularly seasonal varieties of this baked good.
Peanut butter that contains xylitol – some brands of peanut butter add xylitol to sweeten it. If your cookie contains peanut butter, check that the peanut butter used is safe for doggy consumption before sharing it with your pet.

Signs that your pooch has eaten a cookie that contains toxic ingredients include:
- Vomiting
- Diarrhea
- Tremors
- Seizures
- Increased urination
- Restlessness
- Increased heart rate or rapid breathing
Contact your veterinarian immediately if your dog shows symptoms of the above.
The risks of feeding your pup cookies
Giving your four-legged friend food that is designed for human consumption usually carries risks. Here are a few health risks of feeding cookies to your pup.
Choking: cookies contain small, hard ingredients that could cause an obstruction if fed to a dog.
Food poisoning: cookie dough can cause food poisoning from the raw eggs, which will make your pet extremely sick.
Sickness: too much sugar in a canine’s diet can cause vomiting and diarrhea. Long term effects of excessive sugar consumption include tooth decay and diabetes.
Is sugar toxic to dogs?
Granulated sugar is not toxic to dogs, however if a pup eats too much refined sugar, he is at higher risk of diabetes as a result of an increase in your dog’s blood sugar and obesity. Early signs of diabetes in canines include:
• Increased hunger and thirst
• Urinating more
• Weight loss
• Low energy levels
If untreated, diabetes can develop into a more serious condition called diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) that can cause vomiting, diarrhea, collapsing and not eating. If your dog shows any signs of DKA, you should contact your vet who will provide veterinary advice.
Xylitol is an artificial sweetener that is harmless to humans but can be fatal to dogs. It can cause your pooch to experience vomiting, diarrhea, seizures, a sudden drop in blood pressure and fainting. In some cases, consumption of Xylitol can even lead to death. This harmful sweetener is often found in cookies, so always check the ingredients before giving one to your furry friend.

Dog-friendly cookie recipe
The safest way to treat your dog ice cream or a cookie treat is by making them yourself using canine-friendly ingredients. Give this simple recipe a go.
- Wheat flour (2 cups)
- Eggs (2)
- Dog-safe peanut butter (2 tablespoons)
- Salt (half a teaspoon)
- Cinnamon (half a teaspoon)
You can also use pumpkin or sweet potato instead of peanut butter.
1. Preheat your oven to 175 °C (347 ºF).
2. Line a baking tray with baking paper.
3. Whisk all of the ingredients in a bowl and gradually add a small amount of water until the dough can hold its shape.
4. Roll the dough out and use a cookie mould to make shapes.
5. Place the shapes on the baking tray and bake for around 40 minutes until the biscuits harden and turn golden brown.
Allow the cookies to cool completely before storing them in an airtight container.

So, can dogs eat cookies?
We know that puppy dog eyes are really hard to resist, but cookies do not contain any health benefits for canines and should not replace your dog’s food. Some types of cookies won’t cause any serious harm, however some could make your dog sick. Keep cookies well out of a paw’s reach or make your own dog-friendly versions.
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Reference list
- Pet Poison Helpline “toxic ingredients for dogs” Accessed 8th November 2021
- Pet MD “can dogs eat nutmeg” Accessed 8th November 2021
- The Kennel Club “poisonous food for dogs” Accessed 8th November 2021